
Please click on the Network links below to view full details of Networks within the Gateway Region (City of Whitehorse, Monash City Council, Manningham City Council).

Ashwood & Chadstone Partnership Network

The Ashwood Chadstone Partnership Group is a local network that brings together key service providers, representatives of local residents, churches and community support groups to work collectively to support residents in the Ashwood Chadstone area, with a strong focus on those in Community Housing.

Eastern Careers Network

The Eastern Careers Network is a collaborative group of all of the careers coordinators within the Boroondara, Manningham and Whitehorse councils and many of the members are actively involved in a variety of working parties.

Manningham Youth Services Network

EACH facilitates and convenes the Manningham Youth Services network of local youth services to promote programs and services as well as supporting service coordination between organisations.

Monash Access and Inclusion Network

Monash Access and Inclusion Network aims to actively increase the opportunities for people with disabilities, carers, families, workers, and interested others.

Waverley Careers Association

The Waverley Careers Association is a collaborative group of all of the careers coordinators within the City of Monash and many of the members are actively involved in a variety of working parties.

Whitehorse Youth Issues Network

The Whitehorse Youth Issues Network is a chance for professionals in the area to come together and network with other services and programs.